February 13, 2006

Art in Brussels

A few shots of "comic art" - large paintings on the sides of buildings. There are many throughout the main part of Brussels, but I only took photos of a few.

A monument?

A man (with a mask) next to a statue of Van Gogh. He's the type of "statue" that waits until you walk up really close and then does something to freak you out. It worked on me - he scared me half to death and I screamed so loudly the whole street probably heard!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember in hawaii you kicked that silver man's can on money? that was funny.. haha.

1:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!! I can hear your scared scream!! I can't stop laughing from imagining how scared you were!!! I bet you all sat around and watched other people get scared to death!!!.. didn't you!?

1:51 AM  

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