January 23, 2006

What I've learned so far, Uppsala at night, and long walks in the snow

Though my classes don't start until Wednesday, I learned a few important things during my first week in Uppsala:

1) Systembolaget - state-run liquor store and the only place to buy alcohol over 3.5% in Sweden... and its a very entertaining word to say

2) Malakas - Greek for asshole... also fun to say, it rhymes with maracas!

3) The word "slut" does not mean slut but "final." For example, a slut rea is the final sale

4) Avoid the crazy Swedish woman who follows me from store to store and speaks incomprehensible Swedish while wildly shaking her hands for no apparent reason

Now, a few pics of Uppsala at night... perhaps not as entertaining as run-ins with crazy ladies, but noteworthy nonetheless!

A shot of the Cathedral of Uppsala's rose window

A shot of a street in the center of town

Aside from expanding my vocabulary, me and some of the people I live with went for a 2.5 hour walk through the snow and forest. My butt and hands felt frozen for more than an hour after we returned home, but the scenery was beautiful.

Claire (France), Josh (Australia), Nefeli (in back, Greece), Me, and Anne (France) on our walk

A view of some buildings and lots of snow

The sunset... which sets around 4pm!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wuz up courtney, hope u are having a blast over there - andy

8:28 AM  

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