February 07, 2006

Birthday shots

Just a few photos (taken by George) from my 21st in Sweden!

Josh and I before eating dinner... my hair looks so long!

One of the drink menus at Värmlands

A partial shot of me and George

Me, Nefeli, and our margaritas... later in the night, my margarita glass was knocked off a table, broke, and spilled all over Nefeli by a Swedish guy who didn't even apologize

The downstairs dance floor

I'm going to Brussels, Belgium for a long weekend! So, I'll post and add photos as soon as I get back!


Blogger Namo said...

Hey your hair really is getting long. SEXYYYYYY!! oh yeaaah

3:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the Birthday hat!!

1:56 AM  

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