March 19, 2006

The light at the end of the dark, cold and snowy tunnel

March is more than halfway over. There is still snow and ice on the ground. Long underwear is part of my daily dressing routine - in fact, I feel strange when I don't have that extra layer between my jeans and skin. I've worn the same winter boots almost every day for 2 months. I've slipped on the ice countless times and many snowflakes have attacked me and pelted me directly in the eye. I've dealt with the pain and fear that comes from walking on ice in high-heeled boots just to look cute. I've helped make snowmen, or rather, helped pile snow into something that sort of resembles a snowman. I've tried to master the art of making snowballs. And, my hands and fingers have frozen numerous times trying to take a nice photo (the abundance of photos on this blog serves as proof).

I've tried to be a good sport and embrace the cold and snow as much as possible. But, it has been a long winter. And, although snow is beautiful and the cold weather was a nice and much needed change from Texas heat, the novelty of snowflakes and a "real" winter wore off long ago. So, I'm jumping on the "No more winter, spring come soon!" bandwagon that the rest of Sweden seems to have joined weeks ago.

Luckily, I've found evidence that spring is right around the corner...

There really is grass under all of the snow
I've seen the sidewalk for the first time

Flowers are blooming

The days are getting longer - sunset at 6pm. This is a big improvement compared to January when it was dark before 4pm!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's me again G I love your pictures lookiging forward to seeing you NO SNOW HERE LOL. Love you G

1:49 AM  

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